I wanted to share a couple of quick thoughts on social media, and in particular why your social media sucks.
Your business has a Facebook page, right? Maybe you had a MySpace page back when the dinosaurs of the internet roamed about. Perhaps you've looked at Pinterest as though it's the next big thing, a unique way to attract new customers.
And you know it works, because you've heard stories of it working.
So, your first month in you set up your account, and you post 10 times in one day. 5 times the 2nd day and 3 times every day after that for a week. "This isn't too hard," you think.
But nothing ever happens.
Nobody comments. Nobody shares. And you get bored or frustrated.
Throwing rocks at a brick wall isn't hard, either, but it's about as rewarding, right?
Your social media sucks. Why? One of two reasons.
First, Perhaps you're spamming your customers with thinly veiled sales material of little value to them. I see this all the time, and you probably recognize it when others do it, but often times it's hard to see it in our selves.
Second, and more likely, your social media usage is inconsistent. When was the last time you posted on your Facebook page? a week ago? A month ago?
See, the thing is, you're primary focus is your business, not twiddling around on the internet. You haven't spent time learning how to track down viral content that get's shared, and encourage customer interaction, and that's okay too.
I want to make you a deal.
If you're ready for a change, then give us a ring at Hundreds of Customers, and we'll manage your social media for FREE for two weeks. If you see a massive spike in customer engagement, - including re-engagement with your business (i.e. coming back and buying more) -- and chances are you'll want to keep us around.
If you're interested, just click the button below the video up above, and we'll be in touch.