Why Having An "Advertising Budget" Is Silly

Why having an advertising budget is silly.

I wanted to just take a minute and address something that I often find both puzzling and frustrating.

The concept of a marketing budget.

Now, I understand wanting to limit the amount of money spent on any particular, non-revenue generating portion of the business.  Buying really nice chairs or remodeling are costs that it's hard to see an immediate return on investment ROI, and they have to just get factored into the overall net profits of a business.

But advertising should be different.

Advertising is designed to bring you more customers, with a directly measurable ROI. You spend $500, you bring in an extra $1500, for a net of $1000, or some variation on that theme.

Yet I meet people in my line of work who often have a "fixed advertising budget," and this makes me sad.  It makes me sad because it means that they've probably spent hundreds of dollars on dead-end advertising strategies (like billboards, classifieds in the newspaper, or even TV and Radio spots) - the hallmarks of "traditional" advertising.

The problem is, as anyone worth their marketing salt knows, is that these forms of advertising are dying.  Heck, even the yellow pages, once a bastion of customer generation, is now looked at as a giant yellow door stop by most people.

It doesn't have to be that way. If you have a "limited" ad budget, then you've never really advertised.

If that's the case, let's talk.  Fill out the form above, and tell me that you hate your advertising budget!

Then, I'll personally be in touch!

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