The Yellow Pages are SO Dead!

"How dead are they," the Rodney Dangerfield-esque heckler might shout from the crowd?

To which I would simply show this image, which graced my Facebook wall earlier today, utterly unprompted:

stupid yellow pages edited

My friend is internet savvy, and ecologically friendly.

She doesn't want a quarter of a dead tree delivered annually to her front door, just so she can look up phone numbers of plumbers and electricians.

That's what Google is for.

So she opted out of even getting the Yellow Pages, and treats its very presence with disdain.

The Yellow Pages are not welcome any more.

More and more, people are being fed up with losing a square foot of counter space for what is available for free in their pockets, and with far more helpful reviews to go along with the listings, as well as maps, and the ability to press one button to call the selected business.

And if you're not getting found when she Googles you, she (and the other 94% of smart phone owners, who make up 80% of the searches from 8am to 5pm) will never patronize you.

Google Local search statistics 2012

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