The Killer YouTube Marketing Strategy

Imagine this scenario:

Bob just realized he needs to declare bankruptcy. It's not a good predicament, but it's the only step forward he can see. So what does he do? He starts researching. He starts with Google, but he wants someone to walk him through the process, to talk him through it, so he does what so many other people do that it's made YouTube the #2 search engine in the world behind Google: He searches for "how to" videos and walkthroughs on YouTube.

Here's what he sees:

bankruptcy search on youtube

He clicks PLAY on one of the first videos he sees, and before he even gets to the content, he sees YOU. You are a bankruptcy attorney with a practice 10 miles from his house. You are looking right at Bob, staring him in the eyes, and you deliver a message like this:

  • "If you're looking for advice on YouTube as to whether or not you should be filing bankruptcy, or you want to figure out how to do it yourself - Stop wasting your time. You're never going to get the final answer and advice from videos that you'd get from an in-person conversation with a qualified expert. Click the button below or call my office and come in. Let's talk, on the house, to help you figure out your options..."

How do you think Bob would feel? Relieved that a true solution just presented itself to him, rather than having to be resolved to trying to sift and sort information on his own? Of course he would!

Or, image this:

Rachel's laying on her back in pain, having pulled "something." She's a single mom and the sole breadwinner for her family, and she's in pain, trying to diagnose it WebMD-style.  She moves over to YouTube to watch some videos about stretches that can help relieve lower back pain.

She sees:

lower back pain stretches on youtube
She clicks on a video, and before it plays, she sees YOU. You are a chiropractor with an office about 6 miles from her. In that video, you are face to face with Rachel, who is in pain and who is looking for help. You speak directly to her, saying:

  • If you're in pain right now, you might find a video on YouTube that can help. But chances are it'll only start to solve the initial symptoms, and the pain will last for days or weeks.  It doesn't have to be that way.  Come in to my office (get someone to drive you) and let's get you checked out. Tell me you're in pain now and you found me on YouTube, and I'll make sure the consultation, x-rays and everything else is on the house. Let's figure out what's going on with you that's causing such pain, and work together to find a solution.

How do you think that Rachel would feel? Relieved that a professional diagnosis and potential treatment is a short drive away? Yes.

Lemme give you one more...

Chuck is a C-level executive who needs to motivate his sales staff to sell more, and is researching sales tips. YOU are an expert salesperson, with an online training course, various books and videos, and who does on-site seminars.  YOU get in front of him as he's on youtube...

You see where this is going.

Cat Videos and Education

Google is the number one search engine in the world. Duh. But getting to page one can be a long, tedious, and expensive proposition. (Obviously, if you want to get there, we can get you there, but that's not what this article is about)

YouTube, however, is the #2 Search Engine in the world.

YouTube is used for two things: entertainment (e.g., Cat Videos), and research.  People go to YouTube when they want to learn how to do something, diagnose something, or find out what their options are.  They are looking for a solution or an answer.

What better time to jump in front of them than at that moment?  And in such a personal way!

So Why AREN'T More People Doing This?

Of course, there are a few hurdles to entry that keep most people out. The bad news is, they're keeping you out. The good news is, they're keeping out your competitors for now.

  1. You have to know how to create videos! 
    This is a problem, to be sure, but not insurmountable. I just gave you a basic pitch above. There are also fun and easy software products you can use to make great explainer videos.  (I personally like this one a lot.)
  2. You don't know how to advertise on YouTube
    This is an obvious barrier for many people, and I won't lie: Understanding all of the options inside of the AdWords dashboard can be tough.
  3. You don't know how to build the "back end" of the sales funnel from your videos
    This is obviously a problem, because it's practically useless to have your ads just lead to your homepage - too many distractions! You need to prune down the options they have, and build out a sales funnel. (The ONLY tool you need for this is ClickFunnels)

However, if you want a done-for-you solution that handles all of this for you, then let's talk for 20 minutes. You can grab time on our CEO Justin's calendar here.

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