The Era of Small Business


Huffington post ran a business Insider article that I absolutely loved.  LOVED.  Go read it.  Seriously.  Go.  Now.

Here's the nutshell version, if you didn't click and read:

What we're on the brink of is scale implosion. Everything gigantic in American life is about to get smaller or die. Everything that we do to support economic activities at gigantic scale is going to hamper our journey into the new reality. The campaign to sustain the unsustainable, which is the official policy of U.S. leadership, will only produce deeper whirls of entropy.

I hope young people recognize this and can marshal their enthusiasm to get to work. It's already happening in the local farming scene; now it needs to happen in a commercial economy that will support local agriculture.

My wife and I have been big advocates of local farming (small, sustainable, organic, cheaper, personable, what's not to love!), and we've seen the incredible resurgence in small farms run by families in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) style that works very well.  We even have a few friends who run 'em!

(Incidentally, since I'm on the topic anyway, you can find a local farmer at EatWild or LocalHarvest (which also lists local Farmer's Markets! )

The Punchline

The simple truth is that there is a renaissance a-brewin', a resurgence or even a revolution in how consumers consume: locally.

So there has never been a better time to be a small business owner, or put yourself in front of the huge trends that are shaping the local economies, like the rise and ubiquity of mobile technology and unique "deal sites" built around showcasing the best local markets have to offer.

What are you doing to get your brand out there? 

Farmer's Market Image courtesy:  Dorli Photography

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