OMG! SMS Marketing - Why Text Message Marketing Is The New Big Thing

Text messages, text messaging, text message marketing, sms marketing, sms text marketing,

SRLSY! Texting Isn't Just For Teens Anymore.

Ah, the text message!  Who could have foreseen that texting, which was generally thought to be merely useful in the land of the pre-teens, would transform into something as useful and powerful as SMS (i.e., "Simple Message Service) marketing? In a very short time, SMS has shown itself to be a proven alternative option to other forms of marketing, from email to snail mail.

With the rise of smart phones in everyone's pockets, the popularity of texting snowballing, to the point that it's not hard to find anyone who doesn't text.  Heck, my mom texts!  Here's some things you probably don't know about texting:

FACT: On Monday, December 3rd, 2012, Texting turned 20, making it older than that often-texted-about Justin Bieber.

OMG! Give SMS Marketing A Long Look!

The biggest reason to consider Text Message Marketing is the sheer fact of how people are responding both to text messages in general, and SMS marketing in particular.  The statistics don't lie:

  • Text messages are opened 98 percent of the time (how often are emails opened? Postcards read?)
  • Moreover, 83 percent are opened and read within 3 minutes of receiveing them!
  • SMS promotions are also being redeemed by about 1 in 5 recipients  as opposed to traditional methods that net usually less than 2%.

Want Proof? Test It Out!

To give you a taste of text message marketing, check out the following: Text Your name and email to 740.661.4040 and I'll give you a tiny taste of what SMS marketing looks like.

You'll get a short series of text messages and an email.


Stephan Geyer via Compfight

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