Living In A Reputation Culture

Do you know who this Guy is?

137th Kentucky Derby

He's Guy Fieri, of Food Network fame.  Guy has made his face famous by traveling the country and visitng all manner of "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives" in search of good tasting (if not good for you) food.  He's become a beloved icon of the Food Network, seeming very down-to-earth and approachable, yet hip.

About 1 1/2 months ago, he started his own restaurant:

Guy’s American Kitchen & Bar in Times Square

All American food from a Guy who's toured the country in search of just that kind of food, all with an elite, culinary spin.

What could go wrong?

Well, first, the New York Times trashed Guy's restaurant.  I mean, they took a 2 page steaming pile upon the restaurant, haled by many as a near crushing blow to the fledgling restaurant.

Other reviews followed.  Some from professional reviewers.  Others from amateurs.  If ever there was a time for the adage about "no such thing as bad publicity" to be true, now would be it.

As of writing this, Guy's American Kitchen and Bar has a 2.5 star Yelp rating.

There have been some notable folks coming to Guy's defense.  Guy himself has argued that the he believes Pete Wells, the NYT Reviewer, simply had an agenda to make a name for himself.  However, the initial review and subsequent reviews have set the tone, and many others are following suit in their own reviews of Guy's American Kitchen and Bar.

Moral: You Must Control The Tone In A Reputation Culture

We are living in a reputation culture more-so now than ever.  With most people now owning a pocket-device which displays reviews in seconds, the reviews that display about your business have the ability to kill your business.  You must design your business practices around maximizing future reviews, and you must find a way to minimize the impact of negative reviews, while also having the ability to respond and correct any negative experience your clients have.

For the record, we can help you do that.


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