HuffPo Get's Text Message Marketing

You know an idea's time has come when the main-stream media is talking about it.

The Huffington Post just ran a piece about Mobile Text Message Marketing here.

The key points are as follows:

I) Mobile Marketing Allows for HYPER-Accurate Targeting

SMS messaging is, first and foremost, permission based marketing, where people have asked you to contact them!  It's not spam (and the moment it feels like spam, they'll instantly unsubscribe!)

And it get's through!  97% of text messages are read within 7 minutes of being sent, and 98% are read, period.  Good luck getting those results with email!

II) Text Message Marketing Cost Effective!

Again, the level of targeting that SMS offers businesses is very powerful - your messages get through to the relevant people, guaranteed.

And when structured correctly, they can lead to very quick conversions.  Tuesday nights are slow? Send out a text at 4:30pm about a unique special that evening.  Be descriptive, and entice your audience!  If even 1 or two show up, you've won, and very often many more than that will show up!

And, you can often target people within a boundary, keeping things HYPER-relevant!

For more information about mobile text message marketing, see the platform we've developed at

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