How To Write A Blog Post That Turns Readers Into Customers In 9 Easy Steps


In this short post, you will learn the essence of effective copy - how to write it and use it to get more customers.

  1. Begin With A Qualifying Statement. The first step is to begin with a qualifying statement that promises the reader what he is about to learn. You want to keep it short and sweet. In this particular post, you're going to learn how to write better copy in 7 easy steps.
  2. Get To The Point IMMEDIATELY. I mean right up front: begin every sentence with the point of the sentence. Of course, that's precisely what I just did with this example.  And even use title-case (capitalizing "First Word, Last Word, and All of the Important Words").
  3. Use Short Sentences, Short Paragraphs.  This was true in the 60s when Oglivy wrote his famous "How To Market" advertorial, and it's even more true today in the era of 144 character communication. People CAN read more, but only if they have learned that they can trust you - and they learn that on the short stuff.
  4. Bold the main point.  Even if it's the first sentence - it promotes easy scanning.  Why do you want them to scan your article?  Because it's more likely that they'll see something that sucks them in, especially if your first point doesn't.
  5. Use Bullet Points. This aids point 3 above, forcing you to keep it brief and scannable for the sake of your readers, and making sure you're giving them the good stuff.
  6. Use a Well Crafted Title and Sub-Headline.  The ONLY purpose for the title/headline is to get them to read the sub-headline.  The ONLY reason for the subheadline is to get them to read the rest of what you wrote.  For the main headline, make a promise that tells the reader why they'll BENEFIT from reading your article, and that you'll give it to 'em straight, in a few short points.
  7. Make it GOOD.  Suffice it to say, if you promise big but fail to deliver, then you've written in vain. Your entire article is designed to sell the reader on your qualifications, so you really want to make them like you by the end of your piece.
  8. State your qualifications.   You can tell them at the beginning why they should listen to you, or at the end, when you give them your "call to action", tell them why they ought to "opt in."
  9. Call Them To Action. Up until now, you have created a great piece of copy, but without a call-to-action (CTA), it will yield you little, other than perhaps a few "likes," shares, and "+1's.  Give them the steps to take to contact you and move to the "next level" in their pursuit of that-which-you-do.

Let me model points 8 and 9 here:

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We are a Kansas City SEO Agency. We got our start as a Kansas City SEO Agency, and we bring Kansas City values to the table. That means honesty; integrity; and straight shooting. We're not here to jerk your chain. We're here to be your Digital Marketing agency, offering digital marketing services and SEO strategies and help you land more customers...HUNDREDS of Customers (or thousands - definitely done that for many businesses, including our own). Our SEO Skills are legendary, and that's why we have testimonials not only from clients, but competitors - that's right, our PEERS in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry thought highly enough of us to put in a kind word. Those words are on our testimonials page, as well as popping up to your left, if you haven't noticed (but you did, didn't you, you sly dog).
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