How Do I Generate My Own Insurance Leads For My Agency?

So, you want more customers, and you're thinking about using insurance leads or business leads to get them?  Think again.

One of the demographics I work with often is insurance agents/brokers.  Insurance is lucrative, of course, but only if you can find new customer.  Every agent would like to get to the point that they have built a solid book of business, such that they can stay busy [and profitable] with a purely referral business.   That's the dream.  (This is key, and I'll come back to it shortly)

The problem is, for most insurance agents, it takes at least 10, and often 20 to 30 years to get to that point comfortably.  So in the mean time, what?

Insurance leads, right?  Spend a few hundred (or thou$and) on leads each month, call them up, and get a long string of disconnecteds, hang ups, "Who is this?", and "I didn't call you, don't call back."

Thus the questions I get often from agents tend to go:

"What is the best way to advertise my insurance agency?"

"I spend about $600 a month on internet leads that don't convert.  How do I generate my own insurance leads?  Is there a way to generate better quality business leads for my agency?"

"How are internet insurance leads generated, anyway?"

I'm going to answer these three questions in roughly reverse order.

1) "The Dirty Little Secret": How most internet insurance leads are generated.

Part of the problem with the "lead" industry in general is that there really aren't THAT many people  who are actively going to webpages to request quotes from various companies.

She's DYING for 6 life insurance agents to call!  *rimshot*

"Cat videos...Sally's recital...Oh! Insurance quotes!"

No, the way the vast majority of insurance lead generation is done by ... slight of hand.

Look at the following images:

This is totally legit, right?  Wait... Best Buy? Are those even around any more?

I mean, I sure could use a new futon...

I'm sure that, having been around the internet-block a few times, you've seen similar adds, often flashing, or occasionally speaking, or blinking, or moving, or shaking, or... finding some way to totally distract your peripheral vision.  They're tempting too, because even Bill Gates wants free stuff.  Something for nothing is great!

So people click.

And then they fill out their name, number, date of birth, social security card, mothers made name, street where they get the picture.  Then they click "next."

And then they're greeted by a page that looks like this:

"I'm gonna get me one of them new-fangled mp3 players from the internets!"

And they have to click through, and select a few options, and eventually get to page 15, where they then have to complete three "offers" of some kind costing about $0 to $2000 dollars each.  And most of them never complete the form and get their gift card.

But the site owners got something, didn't they?  They captured lead information. And permission to share it with multiple insurance agents, which is why you sometimes get yelled at for interrupting dinner again on the first call.

"And where's my iPod Nano?!"

And that's why you hate insurance leads, right?  That's why they're terrible wastes of time and money.  (And when they're legit, they're ususally only legit because you're beating your competition on price, and if they're that fickle, they'll switch again when the next guy can "save 'em 15% or more".

2) A better way to build your insurance business and get qualified insurance leads who call you.

That's the dream right?  Remember, the dream above.  Unlimited business leads flowing on based solely upon your reputation.  Leads calling you because they WANT your services.

Well, there's a way to get there in a significantly shorter amount of time.  And without breaking the bank.

See, there was a time when getting insurance customers was as  easy has having a listing in the phone book, but nobody uses the yellow pages any more, even though you're still mortgaging your business to pay for your listing.

People search now.  And the rules of search are constantly changing.

That's where we come in.  Take for instance this video which shared for a few insurance agencies in Philadelphia just what we could do for them.  Chances are, we  can do it for you, too.  Here's one aimed at  insurance agents in Seattle as well.  (If you'd like to see one for your particular locale, just ask, and I'll personally make one for you.)

Just remember, being found is only half of the game.



insurance ; lead-generation ; leads
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