NOTE: These are mostly for "illustrative" purposes, and as such, your actual savings may vary somewhat depending on the video you watch. For instance, in most cities/states, an Personal Injury Attorney will pay between $40 and $100 per click for a CPC ad campaign, were they to go the "traditional" route and advertise with a search engine. Most Plumbers would would pay about half that, again, depending on location. For a moderately successful campaign in many of these fields, the costs would be in the $10,000 to $20,000 range.
What we offer costs a FRACTION of that. And what we offer has you appearing in the actual search section, NOT as an advertisement.
Also note, we will add more to this page regularly. Just because your profession or city is not listed, does not mean we cannot help you. In fact, if you'd like to request a personal video made focusing on your demographic, just contact us. We can usually have the research pulled within 24 hours of a request!