Get More Customers By Staying Top Of Mind

Apparently, these are all professional athletes drink, right?

The Perfect Hydration Choice...right?

"Little White Lies"


The 2012 Summer Olympics in London are in full swing.  China and the US have traded the lead once or twice, with China presently ahead in Gold, Silver, and Overall medals as of writing this.  This may change once or twice more before all is said and done.  Who will come out on top is clear, however.

Coca-Cola.  And McDonalds.  And Visa.  And many of the other Olympic "sponsors" who's advertisements continually bombard audiences captive to the feeds, both live and "tape-delayed," of NBC (as if anyone actually uses "tape" these days).  And though the commercials are themselves somewhat heartwarming, I cannot watch them without my tongue planted firmly in my cheek, because I know that most athletes eschew such consumable products, even if they endorse them.  (One is reminded of  the scene in Forrest Gump where, after his memorable stint on the US Olympic Ping Pong Team, Forrest winds up endorsing ping-pong paddles he doesn't use.  His mother assures him that such endorsements are "little white lies" that hurt nobody).  Heart-disease aside, the modern olympic athletes are simply doing much the same.

So what does this have to do with you, O small business owner?

Top Of Mind Advertising


For a long time, I debated whether such luxurious advertisements were worth it.   Everyone in the world knows what Coca-Cola is.  Most of them have had one.  Many have one a day.  For such people, seeing a Coke commercial isn't usually about creating an instant desire so much as it is about maintaining a continual relationship -- I hesitate to use the word "friendship" with a product, though at times it seems like such companies as Coca-Cola want to be more to us than mere refreshment.

What such advertisements are geared towards is building an image, a reputation, and keeping themselves in the forefront of your subconscious, so that the next time you want a refreshing quaff, the quaff you quaff is Coke.

Using Top Of Mind Advertising To Get More Customers


You could get more customers if every time someone thought about the kind of business you do, you were the first company that came to mind.

To this day, I still remember the jingle for a pizza company in Lawrence, KS, because it was catchy.  Their pizza wasn't the best, and I don't live there any more, but were I to visit, and to simultaneously want pizza, I could call them without having to grab a phone book (or, more likely, without having to Google them, since the yellow pages are dead).

Building a Facebook page, sponsoring a local event or charity, or even releasing a press release are all ways of getting your brand, your company, your reputation, into the minds of your potential customers and clients.

We are a Kansas City SEO Agency. We got our start as a Kansas City SEO Agency, and we bring Kansas City values to the table. That means honesty; integrity; and straight shooting. We're not here to jerk your chain. We're here to be your Digital Marketing agency, offering digital marketing services and SEO strategies and help you land more customers...HUNDREDS of Customers (or thousands - definitely done that for many businesses, including our own). Our SEO Skills are legendary, and that's why we have testimonials not only from clients, but competitors - that's right, our PEERS in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry thought highly enough of us to put in a kind word. Those words are on our testimonials page, as well as popping up to your left, if you haven't noticed (but you did, didn't you, you sly dog).
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