#TLC Tuesday Returns - Casino's Law

TLC Tuesday is back, and this time it's with a commercial that is somewhat awkward on multiple levels, but mixed with an incredible amount of cajones and which, ultimately, is strikingly memorable and...well...kind of awesome!  It's like a superhero origin story.

This is the kind of video that could ONLY work on the local level.  Complete with HashTag campaign #CasinosLaw!

The really bravado? This 2 minute commercial aired during the Super Bowl (locally, in Savanna, of course, not nationally).

What do you think? Awesome? Over the top? Share your thoughts below!

Memorable Scenes from Casino's Law:

Casino's Law Super Bowl Commercial 6 Casino's Law Super Bowl Commercial Casino's Law Super Bowl Commercial 2 Casino's Law Super Bowl Commercial 3 Casino's Law Super Bowl Commercial 4 Casino's Law Super Bowl Commercial 5

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