So there's an interesting piece over at Business Insider about how we engage with media, from whence the chart above is drawn.
I find it fascinating that it is charting the average amount of minutes spent per interaction, per device.
My takeaways:
People consume media differently today than they did in years past - obviously.
And they're much more adept at blocking out commercials than when commercials were first introduced in programming. From "Tivo" style DVRs that allow consumers to skip commercials to, to the age-old mute-button and bathroom break, getting your message heard on TV is harder and harder to do.
But not on the other three. Why?
Because again, people don't search on their TV. But they do on their phones, tablets, and computers.
If you want to get your business found, you need to be where they're searching.
And if you focus your efforts correctly, you can be present 2/3rds of the time, and that's 2/3rds of the time when you can be most relevant - when they're already searching for you!
If you want to have a cross-screen presence that get's you more customers, contact us.