12 Facebook Mistakes That Make You Look Foolish

[32/365] Serious Business

Sometimes its easy to spot a flaw in someone else that we're blind to in ourselves.  A wise man once said something about seeing the specks in other's eyes and not the planks in our own.

And one of the places this is most true is in social media.

You know that you're supposed to be there, in the social media forum, being a contributing member.  But sometimes you don't feel that you have much to contribute, so you just talk about yourself.  And you don't proof read.  And you don't engage.  And you spam.

So, to help you out, here's a list of 12 of the biggest offenders!

12 Social Media Sins You're Committing On Facebook

  1. Looking Like You're Self Absorbed.  You spend all of your time "Talking at 'Em, Not Sharing With 'Em."  What does that mean? It means that, rather than sharing great content (content that could - gasp - help a competitor, even though it's helpful for your clients), you share spam.  You only link to your own stuff.
  2. Looking Like You Don't Care About Your Fans.  This is a failure to connect.  Social media is SOCIAL!  When somebody comments or shares your post, respond! When somebody asks you a question, answer it!
  3. Looking Like an Ass.  Related to number two, if somebody has a complaint, respond to it, and do it charitably.  Otherwise you look like an ass.
  4. Looking Like a Jerk.  Similar to looking like an ass,
  5. Looking Like a Desert.  I cannot count (but I could show you) hundreds of Facebook pages where a business owner started with great gusto, posting 3 to 5 times a day for a month, and then just quit.  Nobody engaged with them, so they just let it die.  This makes your business look like a vacant lot!  (By the way, we can help with that!)
  6. Looking Like a Burst Dam.  What's the opposite of being a Desert? Being a torrent of content that never stops.  Got 5 great things to share?  Wonderful.  Share one.  Then wait.  Then share another.  Then wait.  Then share another... you get it.  Not only is a flood of posts an annoyance in the newsfeed of your fans, but it also makes it much more likely that most of your content will get ignored.  Pace yourself!
  7. Looking Like a Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy.  (i.e., not monitoring your page for spam).  Spammers exist.  They post junk.  They respond to links with stuff like "WOW! I LOST 30 LBS in 30 MINUTES with this MIRACLE PILL SEE LINK Http://SpammySkammy/Drugs!"  They happen.  They're a fact of online life.  But if you never catch and remove them, your entire page looks like junk -- even one can sink how people perceive you.
  8. Looking Too Verbose - Always Writing Truncated Posts.  Facebook isn't a forum for 20 page diatribes.  It's just not.  Occasionally, a longer post that your readers have to click to read below the fold is fine, but don't make a habit out of it.  Rather, write a blog post (you have a blog, right? And it's not a desert like your Facebook page, right?), and then link to it with a small blurb telling your readers what they'll read!
  9. Looking Careless - You Didn't Proof-Read.  It's two sentences. That's child's play.  Why would I need to proof read my quick post that let's my customers know that I "Ge tit."  Oh...that was awkward.  If you post something and see a typo - delete it and re-post it edited.  Take the 4 seconds.
  10. Looking Like Your Own Biggest Fan.  You like what you write.  That's why you wrote it.  So you don't need to go through and like all the stuff on your fan page, and especially not as the fan page.  That is such a cry for attention (or help). Spend $5 bucks and "boost" your post instead.
  11. Looking Cheap - Having A Terrible Logo or Cover.  Nothing makes you look unprofessional like a cover page that looks like a 12 year old doodled it in Microsoft Paint '98.  Easy solution: Spend $5 bucks and go to http://www.fiverr.com, and hire someone to make a customer avatar and cover for your page.
  12. LOOKING LIKE YOU'RE ALWAYS YELLING!!!!!!!11!!!!11!11!!!  Self explanatory.  Calm down the caps and exclamation points, they make you look too sales-y and hype-y.

Avoid these dozen social-sins like the plague, and you'll be doing aright.

Does Generating All That Social Media Content Seem Like Too Much Work?

Need help generating content? We have extremely cost-effective programs available to curate content on your page every day, so it never looks like a desert, or like you're self absorbed.  We can help!  We have a variety of options to help you out, starting under $200, and if you reference this post, we'll give your our lowest price possible.

Just fill out the form at the top of the page, and let us know that you're interested in

Image Credits: Creative Commons License Pascal via Compfight

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We are a Kansas City SEO Agency. We got our start as a Kansas City SEO Agency, and we bring Kansas City values to the table. That means honesty; integrity; and straight shooting. We're not here to jerk your chain. We're here to be your Digital Marketing agency, offering digital marketing services and SEO strategies and help you land more customers...HUNDREDS of Customers (or thousands - definitely done that for many businesses, including our own). Our SEO Skills are legendary, and that's why we have testimonials not only from clients, but competitors - that's right, our PEERS in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry thought highly enough of us to put in a kind word. Those words are on our testimonials page, as well as popping up to your left, if you haven't noticed (but you did, didn't you, you sly dog).
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